Soya 11,5 years old



Soya 11 years old



Soya 11 years old



Soya 9 years old



8 weeks pregnant, 2010






7 years old



6,5 years old


5,5 years old


I just have to show the fantastic necklace that
Soya got from her nephew, Virus.



Relaxing while mom is watching the Swedish Championship in Agility 2007


4 years


3 years 3 years


3 years old


19 months


Soya is tracking. Photos: Anne Fallesen & Louise Hult

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Soya and one of her 
many best friends, Rania,
June 2004


15,5 months



15 months


15 months


14 months


13 months


13 months   13 months


Soya and Tough

Soya & Fluff

Soya, Fluff & Tough

Soya & Tough



7 months


Soya 5 months. SBU 6 months old


4,5 months old. Photo: Kristin Monsen


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Soya and her friend, Trico Mix Dazzle "Trixie"


Soya at the agility competition in Fagersta. She just loves the camping life!


12 weeks


12 weeks 12 weeks


11 weeks


8,5 weeks


7 weeks7 weeks


5 weeks 7 weeks